Blog Archive

Travis Pastrana New Years Eve Jump in Long Beach

Travis Pastrana is jumping a car on Pine Street New Years Eve in Long Beach.

Selling Canon Lens

***SOLD***I'm selling my Canon 85mm f/1.2 Version II lens. email me at if you are interested.

Honolulu Motorcycle Company

I was working with Nui Kauhane of Honolulu Motorcycle Company on new logos for his company. He builds motorcycles over in Hawaii. These are the 2 final logos.

JoMo Racing Artwork Updates

Just finished some new updates to the JoMo website. They got a new promo going on so I had to create new artwork for that and update the home page of the website. Check it out.

Also worked on getting some t-shirts printed for JoMo Racing. Two color styles with the JoMo Racing logo screened on the front and back. The prints are discharged so you can't feel the ink on the shirt. Really soft and heavy duty t's. You can buy them online also.

Hammerland-LA Co

More shots from the other day shooting surfing at Hammerland.

Nate Yeomans
Mike Losness paddling over.

Matt Pagan carving.

Nate Yeomans-Hammerland

Went out this morning to Hammerland in LA Co to shoot some surf shots. It was a pretty big day today down there and the boys were getting some good ones. This is Nate Yeomans from San Clemente. He just recently qualified for the WCT tour next year.


Going to enjoy a few days away from the blog. Have a Merry Christmas and be safe.

JoMo Racing 955

About a month ago, Brandon Holstein was working late nights to get this bike done. I showed up on a Saturday morning to shoot the bike before it was to get delivered. Brandon still had a few things to do and was in a mad rush to get it done. So Scott Parker and I decided it was best to leave him alone and get out of his way. When we came back, he had it done and we left for Long Beach to photograph it. After I took some photos of it, Brandon and Scott loaded it up and away it went. Another JoMo Motorcycle is in the works now. Shit keeps getting better and better.

Dark Days Challenge: Week 6

I think my camera is dying. The broccoli looks pretty unappetizing. I don't know why I have that pink area in the photo. The same thing happened with my popover photo a few days ago.

So use your imagination. We will be away for Week 7 so thought I'd hurry and get Week six in before we leave for urbanhennery territory (aka Washington State).

I brined the pork chops from Coffee Pot Ranch. Bob's pork is incredible but I find that for my taste I still need to have it moister. My brine is hot water, brown sugar, salt, Dijon mustard and cider vinegar. Chops this size usually brine for about two hours. I steamed the broccoli in the microwave and then topped it with the family's secret sauce (not-so-secret mayo and soy sauce [the really dark kind]). The veggies and meat were local and organic.

Hope all of you have a happy and healthy holiday season. I'll be back in the new year.
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Scott Parker-JoMo Racing-Trophy 55 Motorcycle

Working on a few new updates on the JoMo Racing website. Check out the site if you haven't already. Stay tuned for the upcoming offers they got coming your way.

Shaun Miller Motorcycle

Shaun Miller from Thailand is getting together his motorcycle and is almost done. He said he needs to change a few things but I told him to send me pics because he is the one that Pac Man did that incredible pin striping job on the tank and fender. Here are some pics of the bike.
Thanks Shaun for sending me these.

Mike D Panhead

Drove out to Murietta yesterday morning to meet up with Mike. Shot his Panhead for a upcoming article in Greasy Kulture. Keep your eyes peeled for more pics when the mag comes out.


Ad I did for PADI, A dive company, for next months SURFER Magazine.

Dark Days Challenge # 5

My photo of a pan of popovers was out of focus so all you are going to see is the butternut squash soup with garlic, onions, chard and bacon.

I baked the squash and then scooped it into this pot so it could cook with some half and half and seasonings.

Then I fried the bacon; the onions and garlic were cooked in the bacon grease. Because it's a pig from a local rancher, the fat content is pretty low. At least this time I didn't have to add butter. The last thing I did was tear up chard leaves, place them in the frying pan and cover with a lid so they would wilt.

I poured the bacon pieces, onions, garlic and chard over the squash (shown here). I used my immersion blender to mix it all together. Nice mixture of flavors. Everything, but the cream,
was organic and local.
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Art Quilting

A while back I took a class from Rose Hughes on art quilts. I bought one of her patterns and have been working on it for months. I think I'm finally ready to share with you some pictures of the wall hanging. You really can't tell see the detail without some close ups. This is the first time I've worked with silk; I like vibrant colors so silk really works for me. Take a look at her work:

It's draped over the tread mill.

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The Best Candy Bar In The Universe


They are not easy to come by where I live. The company that makes them is in St. Paul, MN; they don't seem to ship very far from home.

I've had a love affair with this candy bar since I was in grade school, which is a long time ago. Yesterday a box of them arrived from my sister, her husband and their son. It was to thank me for my caring through all her health problems during the past two years.

Nut Goodies say love in any language. Let's see if I can describe them. It's milk chocolate poured over a cluster of nuts and a creamy filling that has a subtle taste of maple to it.

I received 24; we are now down to 22. I told Kerry I would share with him even though I did more caring than he did. I think that works out to one Nut Goodie for every two I eat. Sounds fair to me.

I'm leaving them at home for the holidays; we leave for Washington next Tuesday for about a week.
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David Mann Show

David Mann Show


Couple of people I can call my friends.
Irish Rich and John Edwards

Pac Man of the McCann Clan

and Jason McCann