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Have a fabulous weekend !

Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2012 : Olivia Palermo At Christian Dior

Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2012 : Olivia Palermo At Christian Dior

Olivia Palermo Front Row with Patrick Demarchelier

{thank you style at home!}

I have to give a big thank you to and Style at Home Web Editor Elaine Song for asking me to take part in an online article where 12 bloggers weighed in on their Favorite Fall trend! Check out my favorite for the fall here. I really appreciate that Style at Home loves to create dialogue with bloggers, it's so neat to hear the opinion of others in the blogosphere. I had so much fun participating, thank you Style at Home!

Happy Friday, it's the weekend! I'm gearing up to enjoy all the IDSwest festivities and from the sneak peek at the Opening Gala yesterday, it is guaranteed to be a great show!

Mason Jar Light

This stunning light feature would look fantastic in the centre of any space, and it's something you can create yourself - with these instructions.


New fashion designers/Collections| Licia Florio

Licia Florio_Simplicity reborn
Licia Florio is part of the new generation of Milan young fashion designers.
Born in 1985 in Piedmont, she moved to Milan to study at Istituto Marangoni and she currently lives in the italian capital of fashion design.
She created the brand Licia Florio with the purpose to produce elegant, sober, but innovative collections, the perfect combination of lively talent, deep studies and a real Made in Italy.
She claimed fashion insiders’ attention due to her ability to create items that transmit a sense of balance, mastery and freshness.
The AW 2011/2012 collection is an interesting mix of asymmetric cuts and overlaps of fabrics that as final result lead to creations with a bon-ton aftertaste and a minimalist taste.
The predilection for soft shades is spaced out with wise touches of black wich dim the little doll effect and give an halo of urban dynamism.
Licia Florio’s creations join together the typical italian good craftmanship with a nordic boho-chic taste.
A brand to keep tabs on.
Licia Florio è una delle nuove leve del fashion design made in Milan.
Nata in Piemonte nel 1985, si è trasferita a Milano per studiare all’Istituto Marangoni dove tuttora vive e lavora come designer.
Ha dato vita al brand Licia Florio con la ferma volontà di produrre collezioni di un’eleganza discreta, ma innovativa, risultato della perfetta combinazione di vivace talento, studio approfondito e di un vero Made in Italy.
Si è imposta all’attenzione degli addetti ai lavori grazie alla capacità di creare capi che trasmettono un senso di equilibrio, sapienza e freschezza.
La collezione AW 2011/2012 è un interessante mix di tagli asimmetrici e sovrapposizioni di tessuti, che come risultato finale sfociano in abitini con un retrogusto bon-ton ed un sapore minimalista.
La predilezione per tinte tenui è intervallata da sapienti tocchi di nero che smorzano l’effetto bambolina, per donare un’aura di dinamismo metropolitano.
Le creazioni di Licia Florio uniscono l’alta capacità sartoriale tipicamente italiana ad un gusto boho-chic nordico.
Da tenere d’occhio.

London Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2012 :Olivia Palermo at Jonathan Saunders

Olivia Palermo on Project Runway

 Click HERE to Watch Full Episode

friday favourites

I've come a across a few gorgeous bedrooms lately that make my favourites list for this week. The natural elements, neutral tones and unexpected hits of colour make these rooms really fresh and interesting.
 Enjoy and happy weekend. 

                                                                        Source: via refresheddesigns. on Pinterest

                                                             Source: via refresheddesigns. on Pinterest

                                                                       Source: via refresheddesigns. on Pinterest

                                                                             Source: via refresheddesigns. on Pinterest

                                                                Source: via refresheddesigns. on Pinterest

                                                                   Source: via refresheddesigns. on Pinterest

Leather Steampunk Hat

Click here for a detailed tutorial on making your own eye-catching hat as part of a steampunk outfit.

Sneak Peek at

Vintage Suitcase Revamp

I love the fabric used to cover this suitcase - it makes the case look a million times better and more individual. If you would like to know how it's done, click here.


Collections| SS 2012 The Best of NY, London and Milan

New York City



This is my special selection of the best SS 2012 collections presented last weeks in New York City, London and Milan.
Next week, when Paris Fashion Week ends, I'll dedicate an entire post to it.
Have a beautiful day, 
my dear readers.