We always have meat in the freezer. Yesterday I pulled out a Ziploc bag that looked like it contained Chateaubriand. I had been listening to a Patricia Cornwell's book while I was on the treadmill sweating my way through 40 minutes. She was marinating beef in whisky and honey. Sounded good so I pulled the beef from the freezer (no label) filled the Ziploc bag with whisky, courtesy of Turtle Doug when he quit drinking, added honey, crushed garlic and some lite soy sauce. I rolled it around and set it in the refrigerator. When it was time for dinner, Kerry barbecued the beef and I made a huge salad with lots of organic lettuce, spinach, tomatoes from our neighbors garden and avocado. We sat down to eat, each of us sliced through the beef, put that slice in our mouths and chewed and chewed and chewed. It was then that I realized that it was a piece of beef that would have been better in the crock pot; same ingredients just a longer time to cook. I managed to work my way through about half of mine; I just kept thinking about my jaw muscles and the workout they would get. Helps to keep the jowls from sagging. The salad was great. So, I've learned a lesson about labeling what you freeze. I stole the photo from Google Images.