On Wednesday evening, I had a great conversation with Julia's mom Kathy. From the moment she picked up the phone we clicked. So we are both Kathy's and seem to have some of the same penchants in life. And we are both wonderfully irreverent, which I really like. I don't think I'm going to have to "show up, shut up and wear beige."
Certainly we found out that we both can fill a conversation easily. We talked for about 90 minutes. I finally had to go because I was starving; not that it would hurt me to starve. She's two hours ahead and had eaten. Anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting her and her husband Bud. Don't know when that will be yet. But we've exchanged phone numbers and e-mails. No date yet for the wedding.
We had river otters on the lower pond (pictured here) on Tuesday morning. They stuck around for a long time. Even flattened some grass on the north bank so they could clean themselves and then play a bit before they went on to the next pond for their next meal. Our ponds rarely get fished so we like to see the otters. They take care of the fish overcrowding for a while.
I took a sewing classes on Wednesday. They came with my new machine. I took classes 1 and 2. I'll take 3 after the first of the year. Met some wonderful women in the class and learned a lot about my machine, which is a Janome. Several of us are quilters so we had a great time discussing our passion. Learned something new from one of them that I've already tried. Instead of pinning the backing to the batting and quilt top, you can use an adhesive spray. I tried it yesterday and was pleasantly surprised how quick and easy it was. Also makes it easier to machine quilt and doesn't gum up your machine needle.
Spent yesterday finishing up another preemie quilt for the neonatal intensive care unit at UC Davis hospital. I have three so far and hope to have another one done before the quilt guild meeting on Monday night. Takes no time at all to make something that can be no larger than 22x24 inches.
I thought our Red Hat Christmas progressive luncheon was today, but it's next Friday which I'm grateful for. I have too much to do to get ready for the 356 Porsche Club Christmas party tomorrow night plus I have a quilt meeting in the morning to start the block of the month. I've never done this before but thought I'd give it a try.
Last night I finally cleaned up my fabric stash. I had just been flinging fabric around as I looked for something; finally it was just a big heap behind my cutting table. I'm sure it will turn into a heap again, but for now I think I know where things are.
We are going wine tasting tonight at Lincoln Produce Market; some of my book group members are going to join us. Well, that's all for now. Almost forgot, we got 3.4 inches of rain yesterday. That really helps.