That's how things look right now. One of her lungs went flat and they had to insert a chest tube to reinflate it. Also her lungs are "stiff," which is probably why this happened. Plus the build up of air in her body required that they open her incision to release the pressure. My brother says you can see her intestines.
The dialysis continues to work. My brother is going to stay in Minneapolis for a few more days. We were going to leave for Palm Desert today but now that's on hold.
Keep praying.
Blog Archive
- Another Day In The ICU
- The Toothbrush Episode
- One More Step
- People Are Wonderful
- She's Still Stable
- Great News
- Good News
- Bleak
- It's Working
- A Very Special Bouquet
- My Brother-in-Law Thanks You
- Doing Just Okay, Fabric Helps
- My Sister
- My Sister
- Worry And Stubbornness
- Back To Normal
- The Day After The Super Bowl
- Honesty