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Snow Day For CCI Dogs

George and Lorrie Moore host the CCI dogs for a snow day each year. They live outside of Truckee, CA near Lake Tahoe.

A week ago their backyard was nothing but mud. Now it was filled to the brim with fresh snow. That's those late California storms.

As a Minnesotan, I should remember these things, but I didn't. Snow does not necessarily support you. I sank up to my knees in it. Harleen and the other dogs, until they got the snow good and beaten down, sank up to their bellies. The dogs raced around, played, pooped and created yellow snow until they couldn't move.

There were four people in attendance who are CCI service dog recipients. It was great to see just how well these dogs do and how they help the individual needs of each person. One is a high level quad who has a ventilator. At 6,000 feet that must have been a challenge for his caregiver who I think is his mother. He's been at other CCI events.

The solar panels in several of the photos support most of the electricity needs of the house. The house is huge.

Harleen came home, took a nap, ate dinner and hasn't moved much since. When she does move she makes these little moaning sounds. I think her muscles are sore. She did get to play with her brother Heron. They just find each other and romp around.

The last photo is when things were winding down. The puppy raisers had feasted on a delicious array of potluck items and the dogs were just plain tired.

It will be an early night for Kerry and me. We are both sunburned from the reflection off the snow. One of the dogs had sunglasses. Very cool.

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