This is an old picture; he's grown a lot. He also asked to go to a week-long basketball camp the week before summer camp. We signed him up for that too. His mom who is here cleaning today told me a funny story about him. They were talking about a teenage girl that he knows (he's 9). Jesus said that she had her period. Francesca was a bit surprised he knew about things like that. But then he asked when he was going to get his period. We both cracked up when she told me the story. Tomorrow he's going to receive an award at school. I wish we could be there.
We leave tomorrow morning for a car trip to Burlington, WA where Kerry's sisters live. It will be great to see everyone and experience cool Washington weather. But best of all, I'm going to get to meet another blogger, Laura at Plus we are going to the Mt. Vernon Farmer's Market on Saturday morning. Looking forward to seeing what they have to offer.
On Monday we will head down the Oregon coast to visit our friend Charlotte who lives in Newport. Harleen is going too. She gets to learn about motels. Thursday night we will be in Wilsonville outside of Portland at the Best Western. They are dog friendly.
She did very well on the camping trip. Zooey, our friends lab, and Harleen played together every day. I'm just glad we camp only once a year. Everyone came home covered in dirt.
So that's it for a while. We will be home on June 4th. I'll catch up with you then.