We Never Made It to Colorado

Harleen was an extremely well-behaved puppy. Here she is sleeping on the floor in the boarding area. We got as far as lining up with the pre-boards when we were told the plane had mechanical difficulties: a fuel leak. Everyone sat down again. About an hour later we learned they couldn't fix it; the earliest we might be able to get out would be 7 p.m. It was now noon. The thought of spending seven hours in the airport with a dog was not appealing. We would get to Denver late and to my brother's house in the mountains even later. Monday we would have to fly home.

We made the very sad decision to cancel our trip; got our money back.

So we all went home and took a nap. Chinese food for dinner last night and then another good sleep.

We had the bulkhead seat on the airplane, which was Frontier. All the airlines have to give that seat to a service dog. Not all the airlines will do that for service dogs in training. Frontier and Alaska are known for being friendly to service dogs in training. And they were. We can vouch for that.
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