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Dark Days Challenge Week 15

I love the look of chopped red cabbage. Also like the way it tastes with my dressing on it.

This week there have been several meals that qualified for the challenge but all are things I've made and pictured before. I figured you didn't need to see another photo of flank steak or beef short ribs smothered in my BBQ sauce. We also had Butternut squash soup with chard and bacon.

I slow cooked a pork roast in white wine with Yukon gold potatoes and carrots.

So I did a lot of cooking but nothing seemed to stand out for a photo, except the red cabbage.

We are flying to St. Louis tomorrow for five days to see Mark and Julia. Looking forward to seeing their house and their new city. I will be back to finish the Dark Days Local Challenge, but I am looking forward to spring and summer vegetables. Aren't we all.
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