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Faces In The Crowd

The Born Free Girls
Brandon Holstein (Brawny Built) and Rico (Hi-Bond Modified)
Chopper Dave and Stevie
Denver Dan sporting a new haircut at the show!
Goose (Baltazar Belts)
Guy (Greasy Kulture Magazine)
Justin (Hippy Killer)
Jason McCann (By Hand and By Brain)
Jeff Holt and the Street Chopper crew
Jerry Leyba. (Gray Cat Cycles) One of the nicest guys around.
Jerry and Trevelen
John Edwards and Fawn Clarkson.
John and Toru
Liz Kawakami with my prize I won at the Born Free show raffle.
Matt Davis (Dice Magazine) and Jeff Wright (Church of Choppers)
MC Petersen
Mike Davis and the Born Free staff was busy all day long making sure the show ran smoothly.
Nelson Kanno getting by the road block courtesy of Harpoon.
None other than the Pac Man. Thanks for seeing if I needed help after the show. The truck finally started!
Irish Rich and Danny Takahashi
My buddy Sean Massey on the right. Cousin Melinda in the background on the phone. She was a big help at the booth. Having that beer break was great too.

Toru-The man behind the lens. Thanks Toru for your recent help. You da man.
More pics from the show throughout the week.