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Frank Lloyd Wright Imperial Hotel

Meiji Mura明治村旧帝国ホテル

Frank Lloyd Wright's former Imperial Hotel, in Hibiya Park in Tokyo, survived the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, but did not escape the wrecking ball, in 1968.

The hotel was Wright's best-known work in Japan, and featured Maya design elements.

However, in an odd twist of fate, the lobby of hotel was rescued and rebuilt. It can be seen in the amazing Meiji Mura, outside of Nagoya.

Entering the vast lobby is literally like taking a step back in time. There is a second floor, a cafe, and some original furniture.


Meiji Mura
1 Uchiyama
Tel: 0568 67 0314

Admission ¥1,600. 9.30am-5pm (Mar-Oct) 9.30am-4pm (Nov-Feb). Take a bus from outside Inuyama Meitetsu Station.

Meiji Mura©

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