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Final Fantasy Potions


Drinks are a popular tie-in, with Japanese companies selling real-life counterparts to in-game items.

Many convience stores stock "potions" drinks made famous in the Final Fantasy series.

In the game the drink is used to heal wounds, etc. It won't heal any real-world ailments, but is a treat for fans of the series.

Following along the same lines Square Enix and Suntory recently released a drink tied into the mega-popular Dragon Quest Series, made to look like the game's famous slimes.

The Slimes come in two flavors and are modeled after spells in the series.

Dragon Quest is a wildly popular role-playing series that has had installments released - usually to rabid fanfare in Japan - across a variety of platforms including the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Playstation, Playstation 2 and the more recent Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS among others.

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