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[News] 2010 Daum Life On Awards: SNSD's 'Oh!' selected as the 'Music of The Year'

Daum Communications have announced the winners for the ‘2010 Daum Life On Awards‘ where the award ceremony will be taking place on January 3rd, 2011 at the El Tower Grand Hall in Yangje-Dong. Kim Jedong will be the host for the ceremony.
From December 2nd to December 22nd, Daum conducted the online voting process to determine the winners of the ’2010 Daum Life On Award’ through its website. There are 22 categories of awards with 28 award recipients in total.
In the ‘Contents Category’ netizens have selected SNSD‘s ‘Oh!‘ as the winner for ‘Music of the Year‘ award, adding another trophy to their collection in 2010 after being crowned with various prestigious year-end awards.
Winner in each category will receive prize money of 1,000,000 Won and a trophy. The winner for ‘view Grand Award’ will be receiving 5,000,000 Won and the nominees who made it to the final round will also be presented with special gifts.
This award was organized in conjunction with a donation campaign and netizens were charged 100 Won for every vote they cast. From the 21-day voting period, a total of 27,000,000 Won was collected from 89,764 people who participated in the online voting. The sum of money collected will be channeled to Korea Association of Social Welfare Centers to help the less fortunate families all over the country.

Translated by: fanwonder