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This week's links. Enjoy.

How Genius Works
The Atlantic recently asked a dozen eminent artists, writers, architects, filmmakers and others in the art community their thoughts about creating the spark that eventually becomes great art. Fascinating read.

Rooms With a View
Great NYT review of a wonderful small exhibition currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, featuring 19th century paintings and drawings of interiors. The show explores the open window as a favored motif of Romantic painters. Don't miss the slide show! Via English Muse.

Vintage Appliance Music
Michael Petermann's intriguing installation The Stupid Orchestra synchronizes the sounds of retro electric kitchen tools into an offbeat symphonic piece. The link takes you to a 3 minute preview of the 35 minute long work.

Top 10 Quest Narratives
Author Robert Irwin chooses the best literary journeys towards enlightenment, from Sir Thomas Malory to Herman Hesse.

What I Owe: The Financial Cost of Modelling
Ever dreamed of becoming a model? It'll cost you — literally. Read on for an insider's sobering look at the crazy financial costs of going pro. Via The Morning News.

Acting Like a Grown-Up
Robert Butler argues that being green isn’t a matter of politics, but rather about behaving with courtesy to others. A refreshingly sensible take on the issue.

The Royal Wedding Online
Thinking of watching the royal wedding this weekend? Can't persuade others to watch it on TV with you? See it live online at TheRoyalChannel, the British monarchy's official YouTube channel.

Royal Recipes
If you're watching the royal wedding this weekend, this selection of royal culinary favourites from Saveur will make you feel like you're taking part in the festivities!

(photograph by Magdalena Björnsdotter)