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Gay Tokyo: Rehab Lounge 3rd Anniversary

リハブラウンジ 3年記念

Rehab Lounge is a relative newcomer to gay Shinjuku Ni-Chome, the gay entertainment center of Tokyo not far from Shinjuku Station. The "master" (as bar owners are called in Japan), Fumi, speaks impeccable English, and at least one of the bar staff is always foreign.

If the mood is right, people dance - but, with the DJ booth manned most Friday and Saturday nights, there's never a good excuse not to dance.

 When Rehab Lounge started, I DJed there on Friday nights and was sometimes the only person there besides the staff.

Last weekend, I went to Rehab Lounge's third anniversary party. It is now one of Shinjuku Ni-Chome's most popular bars for both gay and lesbian partiers, both Japanese and foreign, and it was jumping!

Rehab Lounge is a recommended stop if you're visiting a gay bar in Shinjuku Ni-Chome, and having more than survived its first three years, you can bet it will be a venue of gay and lesbian fun and friendship for a long time to come.


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