New York Times
Shortages force Japan to impose new energy restrictions
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Rock and pop: The A, B, C's of J-music
Japan Times
Londres ratifica su futuro nuclear pese a Fukushima
El Pais
How Japan’s Low Carbon Society and Nuclear Power Generation Came Hand in Hand
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Yahoo Sports
Last Week's News
Executions by country in 2010:
China: 6000+
Iran: 252
North Korea: 60
Yemen: 53
USA: 46
Japan: 2
Source: Amnesty International
More than 30% of Japanese households consist of one person. The total came to 31.2% as of last October. That marks a new high.
Source: Kyodo News
The average monthly allowance given to husbands in Japan is at its lowest in three decades. Japan's overworked salarymen are getting on average just 36,500 yen/month to spend on lunch, their hobbies, etc. This is the lowest level since 1982.
Note: in Japan it is customary for the wife to have control over household finances.
Source: Kyodo News
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