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This week's links. Enjoy.

An Afternoon at Shakespeare and Co., Paris

I loved this recent post by lovely Tina of the English Muse, featuring Paris photographer and blogger Candice Lesage's images of the celebrated English language Paris bookstore Shakespeare and Co. Andrew and I visited there when we were in Paris a few years ago — this brings back very happy memories.

100 Years of East London Style in 100 Seconds

This is just awesome and you must watch it — a couple dances through 100 years of fashion — Sept 13th 1911 - Sept 13th 2011 — in 100 seconds. Via Anne over at rue magazine.

How Hard Is It To Get a Cartoon Into The New Yorker?

Quite hard, as James Sturm discovers, when he submits his ten best cartoons one Tuesday in July to Robert Mankoff, the magazine's cartoon editor.

The Post-It War

There's been a war raging in the offices of Paris this summer — a corporate collage contest known as La guerre des Post-it (the Post-it wars). Office workers compete by sticking thousands of pink, yellow, orange and green notes on their windows to recreate pixelated images. Follow the link to see some fun examples.

Moll: The Life and Times of Moll Flanders

Hannah Greig reviews a new book by Siân Rees — one that aims to rescue Defoe's Moll from her modern re-invention as a naughty Georgian pin-up, setting her fictional story against a background of the real life events of her time. Sounds like a fascinating read.

12 Delicious Vintage Menus

Co. Design samples some of the beautiful vintage menu illustrations from a gorgeous new book published by Taschen. Called Menu Design in America: 1850-1985, it explores the golden age of design and dining through 800 menus, beginning with the bills of fare for the very first restaurants to open during the late 1800's. This is going on the book list for sure.

English Seaside: The People's Coastline

Check out this slideshow of American photographer Sheila Rock's evocative black and white images of the English at the seaside.

Frankenstein (1910)

Shot in three days at the Edison Studios in the Bronx, New York City in 1910, this silent film was the first motion picture adaptation of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. Follow the link to watch it in full — which won't take long, as this version clocks in at just under 13 minutes in length!

Roasted Cauliflower, Leek and Garlic Soup

This is the perfect sort of light supper for early autumn — when it's still mild, but cooling off a little more in the evening. The accompanying recipe for lemon fritters sounds amazing, too. Via the lovely Tartelette.

(lovely photo by graciela cattarossi)