Christmas Is Finally Over

This morning the last of the Christmas decorations went to the top shelves of my walk-in closet. I know it's Jan. 22nd, but I was so caught up in quilting that I just didn't feel the need to de-decorate the house.

Kerry took the tree down this morning and stored the sections of it in the box. Now that's a weird statement for someone who assiduously had real trees for years. Nora, our youngest cat, valiantly tried to eat a bit more of the fake needles after Kerry had put it in the box. The tree was up a lot longer than I thought it would be. Mark and Julia were here after Christmas so that's why I kept it up then. But now...well, I really liked the way it looked with all the lights blazing. Nothing worse than a Christmas tree that is unlit. I'm sure the cows in the field behind us were a bit perplexed by the extended Christmas season. They had done their manger gig a long time ago.

Today we both agreed that it was better to have a full view out the northern window in the great room than to have the tree glistening.

I have to report that our lower pond has become waterfowl central the likes of which we have not seen in a few years. We have wood ducks (my personal favorite for a duck beauty pageant), common mergansers who love to torment the Great White Heron and the Snowy Egret, the belted Kingfisher, the great blue heron and the occasional otter who disturbs the hell out of just about everybody on the pond.

It's going to rain for the next ten days, which is just fine with me. Kerry is fixing dinner for us; that's a new twist. That means I have to clean up which will be just fine because I'm sort of burned out on cooking.

I've started reading a new book thanks to Tentpegs, another blogger. It's called "Not Wanted On The Voyage" a modern day look at the whole Noah thing by Tim Findley. So far it is a book I can't put down. Canadian writers, of which Findley is one, don't get much publicity in the lower 48. I'll keep you posted on how I like it but so far I see it as a metaphor for global warming although it was written long before the polar bears had to worry about ice floes in Canada.

Dinner is ready so I'd better stop now.