It started last Friday and culminated in my resignation from the board of directors of a non-profit that I have served on for four years. Due to the events of the past week, I can't provide any more details. But suffice to say the organization was a passion of mine and Kerry's. I worked closely with the president during the week to try to get things back on track. Yesterday it became very apparent that the track was not even in sight. First the president resigned, which would have made me president. I had pounded my head against a brick wall all week and decided I wasn't going to do it any more; I submitted my letter of resignation. Then another board member quit. E-mails and blogs are discoverable so I'd better stop now.
I was hurt, depressed and sad all at the same time. Kerry provided lots of hugs and back rubs but finally I went to bed. I didn't even feel like quilting. I curled up in bed and felt sorry for myself. I know there are lots of people out there with far worse problems, but right now my feelings are pretty raw and I just needed to tell all of you this.
I will recover, but it may take a while. I did do a bit of quilting last night which Kerry took to be a good sign. I'm going fabric shopping today; that always makes me feel better.
One thing I learned from all of this is that I shouldn't be in charge of dinner when I'm upset. We didn't eat until 9 last night because my timing mojo was out of synch. I put chunks of butternut squash (peeled) and red potatoes in a ziploc bag, sprinkled olive oil on them, poured in a packet of Lipton onion soup, shook the whole thing up until it was well mixed and then poured it in a roasting pan around the pork roast (no bone). I poured a little more olive oil and onion soup mix on the roast and then put the pan in the oven at 375. I can't tell you exactly how much time it took to cook because I kept taking it out and putting it back in when it wasn't done. Pork needs to get to 170 if that helps. It was yummy but by the time we ate we were starved so we might have been willing to eat shoe leather.
The sun is shining today and it's supposed to hit 58; sunshine is very healing. Add Kerry to the mix and I just know I will get through this. Thanks for listening.
Blog Archive
- The Cat In The Hat, Um, I Mean Grocery Bag
- My Sewing Room Overfloweth
- Reflections on Getting One Year Older
- Christmas Is Finally Over
- My Quilt Show Entry
- The Quilt With A Heart...28 Of Them
- It's Been A Tough Week
- Hand-appliqued Hearts
- My Favorite Lunch Right Now
- The Wedding Quilt Takes Shape
- Have You Had A Colonoscopy?