I'm Back From My Visit to Blogauthor

Actually I got back early Tuesday morning, which meant I was a zombie all day yesterday. Today I almost feel normal. Flying all the way across the country to spend four days with someone really took its toll on me. Nothing to do with Blogauthor and her wonderful family who welcomed me with open arms. Time zones and long flights do it to me every time.

You may be wondering about the photos. Blogauthor wants to maintain her anonymity so I just took pictures of her neighborhood from the second floor balcony of her house. I loved all the houses in her neighborhood; lots of porches with rocking chairs. And the leaves are beautiful this time of year.

She and Offspring (he will be eight this weekend) picked me up at the airport. I could tell the car belonged to her because of the Obama flags flying from the two back windows. Sometime during the weekend we either lost those flags or they were stolen. Not sure which. I sure hope we lost them. Pretty tacky if someone stole them.

We went back to the house where I met her husband Wheeler (he's a quadriplegic), dog (a service dog for Wheeler), dogette and black cat. Later in the weekend I met her mom and dad who live just a few houses away. We spent a lot of time talking and laughing along with drinking a good chardonnay. I did get to play Wii with Offspring. I tried the golf. After just three of the nine holes Offspring declared the game over. I was terrible. Maybe even worse than I am at real golf. Offspring played bowling, tennis and boxing. My Wii days are over.

On Saturday Offspring was at a birthday party so we went to the movies. Wheeler had a bad cold so opted out. We saw Bill Maher's "Religulous." It's his take on the current state of religion in the world; very funny. Not for your average religious person, but for the rest of us skeptics it was great. It's a laugh-out-loud kind of movie. Maher is brilliant.

What was so amazing about the weekend is how easy it was to be with these people whom I had never met, plus I'm old enough to be Blogauthor and Wheeler's mother. In fact I'm one year older than her own mother.

This is the second blogger that I've met. Last year we went to Costa Rica where I met the "baking fairy." That wasn't anything like this visit. We talked but didn't really connect the way Blogauthor and I did. If you want to see a picture of me with Wheeler's service dog go to her blog at: http://swingfromthechandelier.blogspot.com

I've been invited back but probably won't make the trip again until early spring; they get snow where she lives. I don't do snow. Next time Kerry is going with me and hopefully Miss Harleen will come along too.
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