
It doesn't seem to matter how many times I've done it; each time I travel, especially by air, I have a tiny bit of anxiety which usually comes out in my dreams a night or two before I leave. Flying doesn't bother me; missing my plane is the source of my angst. In all my 63 years I've only missed one flight.

Tomorrow I travel to the Raleigh-Durham area; so last night was anxiety dream night. I had to get up early this morning to get my boarding pass so I wouldn't end up in a middle seat on Southwest. So for much of the night I was trying to log onto my computer in my dreams. Of all people to show up to help me...Rev. Al Sharpton. He finally ended up sitting next to me on the plane. A few years ago I ran into Rev. Jesse Jackson at the Sacramento Airport so who knows, maybe Al will be there tomorrow.

My visit to blogauthor ( is not the first time I've met a fellow blogger. In the spring of 2007 Kerry and I went to Monteverde, Costa Rica and met the "baking fairy." I didn't really know her all that well and still don't, but it was fun to go some place new and have someone there I knew.

Blogauthor is different because we have commented on each others blog, e-mailed and even talked on the phone. She was very helpful when my sister was so sick earlier this year. Her background in science was great when we were struggling with whether my sister would live or die.

The weather report for her area shows rain on Saturday. I'm really hoping it's accurate. It hasn't rained where I live since April; I miss it. I'm not bringing an umbrella.

So if I don't post for a while you will know why. Now I just have to get up in time to get to the airport for a 6:45 a.m. flight. Yikes!