Mark and Julia arrived here on Sunday for a couple of days with us. I can't believe the hectic schedule they have been on since the wedding. If you remember, they flew to Kuala Lumpur the day after the wedding to begin their trial period with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. After 11 weeks of playing great music, eating scrumptious eastern food, living in a wonderful hotel that was paid for by the symphony, and traveling around a bit, they flew to Chicago to spend Christmas with Julia's family.
Then they flew to San Francisco to spend time with Mark's dad and then they drove up to see us. Today they left to drive to Albuquerque where they have rented a house that they found on Craigs List. They rented it sight unseen. I've seen photos and a floor plan. It looks really cute.
They will spend a few days in Albuquerque and then drive to Dallas where Julia's parents live. They have Zoey, Julia and Mark's dog. Mark will fly back to Albuquerque to meet with the surgeon who will do his hernia operation later this month; Julia will drive back with Zoey after a few days of visiting with her parents.
They still don't know what their status is with the symphony in Kualu Lumpur. There has been talk of a contract but nothing firm. So they will play with the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra until the season finishes in early June. Then they will either go backpacking and camping all summer or head for Kuala Lumpur.
They were very excited about getting back to Albuquerque; they have loads of wedding presents they have not opened and all kinds of gift cards to use. It will be like another Christmas. Every time I'm with them I realize that they are simply meant to be together. It is just so wonderful to watch them interact. I cooked lots while they were here including French toast for breakfast, pulled pork and cole slaw for one dinner and a pot roast for another. Nobody went hungry.
Not long after they left this morning I went to the doctor to get some shots for my battered knees. I had the cartilage in both of them removed in 1963; that's back when they took it all out. Thanks to that surgery I developed osteoarthritis, which is not so comfortable. A few years back I had a series of shots that lubricated the joints. They really helped. I had x-rays recently to see what my knees were like. The verdict: moderate to severe osteoarthritis in both knees. So today I started the series of shots again. It's called Supartz and for me has been a godsend. Even after the first injections I feel better. It was originally developed for race horses but since has been approved for people. The shots really don't hurt. You feel some pressure because there is fluid going into a tight area. I have two more shots one week apart.
So that's life back here in Lincoln. It's good to be home and to see that Mark and Julia are so happy. I promise more photos in a few days.