I've written several blogs in my head as I'm sure most of you have. But they haven't quite made it to the screen. My energy level from the depression is very low. I should be on my way to quilt guild right now, but I just couldn't go there and be sociable. They are a wonderful group of women with lots of energy. When I feel like this, it is torture to go to social things.
I was also supposed to donate platelets today, but I was still coughing from my cold so they told me to stay home.
I did take Harleen for two long walks. It was warm and sunny here today (73 degrees). We didn't leave the property. Just went where she likes to go and sniff and chase a few geese and rabbits. I'm still wearing my pedometer so that's good. It let's me see physical progress.
I have been able to do some work on blocks and quilts. I feel better when I'm touching fabric, especially the colorful stuff.
My brother's mother-in-law recently presented them with a handmade queen-sized quilt. Every stitch was by hand. I can't imagine doing that. I'll find the picture of it and post it. It's beautiful.
Kerry just left to get Chinese food. I've ordered my snow peas and prawns. I figure the green vegetables will help.
Tomorrow I get another Supartz shot in my knees and then book club tomorrow night. That I can go to because it's a small group; they know me well. Plus the book we are reading (She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb) is perfect for someone who is depressed. It's nice to read a book where the main character is more depressed than I am. Good book if you are interested.
Blog Archive
- Eating Locally Tonight
- My Scandinavian/Irish Stomach
- Telephone Saga Continues Plus Blood
- Harleen Goes Crateless
- Spring Can't Be Far Away
- Dog Barf And A Cute Puppy
- The Next Stage
- Who Can Resist A Puppy
- Getting Greener
- Inauguration Images
- Tails...Continued
- Tails From Our Kitchen
- Thank you Mrs. 4444
- Words, Words, Words
- Depression
- No More Rooftops For Kerry And A Cruise Photo
- Some Cruise Photos
- We Are Back From Cruise Heaven...