My Design Wall: Three Projects

I've been very busy this week trying to get ahead because we will be gone all next week.

Photo No. 1: Baltimore Album Quilt block one. This is another block-of-the month type thing. We meet the second Saturday of each month. Between meetings we create a block using applique techniques. This block will end up being about 15 inches square. Click on it to see the special applique technique we learned for the flower buds.

Photo No. 2: Another block of the month project but this one is just traditional blocks. Each block measures 12 inches square. I've done the two here so far. All the blocks will have the star affect on the outside row. We will end up with 12 blocks in 12 months.

Photo No. 3: Stash busters quilt. One Wednesday a month we meet to get a pattern for a small quilt. The trick is to use up the fabric stash that all quilters have somewhere in their sewing room. I really like the way this quilt turned out. Last month was sort of a bust, I thought. I still have to add backing, batting and quilting. I think this will hang on the wall somewhere in the house. Don't know where yet.

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