She spent 8 weeks in the ICU in a medically induced coma and paralyzed, on a ventilator and dialysis. All together she spent 8 months in various hospitals and rehab centers.
She's home now and working every day to get stronger.
So today I'm feeling joy because I still have a sister; she is working so hard to become whole again. This took a terrible toll on her body and mind. Many, many of you bloggers prayed for her and sent cards. Her husband, Neil, was deeply touched by your concern for a complete stranger.
I guess no one is a stranger when death is lurking right outside the door.
She still faces one more surgery to undo her colostomy, which was done after the first surgery. I'm going to Minneapolis to be there for that.
We never know what the day will bring, but today it brings me great joy. Don't know about tomorrow and don't really care.
I love you Vicky.