With tomatoes in such abundance, we like to have caprese whenever possible. The tomato and mozzarella are local. Sun dried tomatoes from last summer's crop are in the salad dressing. I planted Greek basil this year instead of the other but I don't really like it. So no basil on this salad.
The potato salad is all local except for the mayo and mustard. I added some of my homemade sweet pickle relish. The contrast of the sweet with the Dijon mustard gave it a nice sweet/tart flavor. Plus I added hard boiled eggs from a local ranch.
The BBQ flank steak once again is from Chaffin Farms. Great meat with just a little salt and pepper.
Tonight it's BLT sandwiches and leftover potato salad. It's 105 outside right now; I don't feel much like cooking. Just took lamb shanks out of the freezer so they will be ready for the crock pot in the morning. Everything just seems to be about food here. Can't complain about that. Back to quilting.