With that much death around us, it has set me to thinking about life. I have always been someone who spent a lot of time thinking about the future. Everything from what will happen tonight to what will happen in six months.
Maybe being six months away from turning 65 and being surrounded by death has made me re-appraise my way of looking at life. The phrase, "living in the moment" is pretty trite but it really describes something that I need to do.
For the past few days when I start to "future trip" I pull myself back to the moment at hand and remind myself that this could be all I have so I'd better enjoy it. So far that has been pretty calming for me. I'm certainly not doing it perfectly but I'm giving it a good shot.
So on this Independence Day I'm declaring my independence from spending too much time worrying about and planning for the future.
Two other wonderful things happened on this day. Richard and Charlotte got married five years ago. Just so this won't be an entirely gloomy post, I've included a photo from their wedding. And Mark and Julia got married nine months ago on the fourth of October. And everyone is very happy.