I'm sick AGAIN! Luckily I managed to cook one local dinner before I felt really awful. After that I relied on Confluence. More about that later. I got my new (actually used) camera two days after we finished the spicy lamb stew so you will have to use your imagination.
We got back from our 12-day trip to Washington on Sunday afternoon; that's why I missed Week 7. I took some lamb kabob meat out of the freezer. I've never been a big kabob fan so decided to do a spicy stew cooked in the crockpot. The lamb came from Flying Mule Farm where they really do farm with mules.
I put the lamb in the crockpot with tomato sauce from last summer's tomatoes, corn from last summer's farmers' market that I blanched and froze, chicken broth from a Chaffin Orchards' chicken, organic black beans (origin unknown), white wine, and onions and garlic from Newcastle Produce. Lots of cumin, chili powder and paprika added to the spiciness. I made enough so we had leftovers. Spicy foods always taste good when I'm sick and my taste buds are out of sorts.
But now for the Confluence Kitchen and Market. It's located in Auburn, CA about 12 miles from here. They have a store, but they also come to the Auburn farmers' market. The web site is www.confluencekitchenandmarket.com Luckily I had stocked up before we left for Washington. They sell both fresh and frozen entrees that are made from organic, local food. I had a broccoli and cheese quiche and a red pepper and polenta lasagna in the freezer. Those two frozen entrees plus the spicy lamb stew have guaranteed that we ate healthy, local food while I was sick. Last of the leftovers tonight and then tomorrow I'm back to cooking.
We've also had their chicken pot pie and beef empanadas. Both were delicious.