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Dark Days Local Challenge: Week 10

I made maple syrup-glazed pork chops, steamed broccoli with a mayo and soy sauce topping, and baked sweet potato with butter.

I brined the pork chops, which really helped keep them moist. The recipe called for quite a bit of cooking time to get the glaze to carmelize. Pork chops might have been really chewy by then. The glaze was just maple syrup (Costco but the real thing), chicken stock (ours), some dried mustard and salt and pepper. Went well with the sweet potato which has local butter on it. The broccoli is from the farmer's market.

I'm really enjoying reading all the things folks are making; imagination abounds. I just wish we had a good chacuterie in the area where I could get some good, local sausage. I'll keep searching.
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