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Dark Days Challenge Week 16

This is the end of the challenge. I missed one week when we were away for Christmas.

Despite the fact that we are not a family of turnip, beet or parsnip eaters, we managed to find lots of other vegetables. Maybe next winter we will find joy in them.

Our last meal was another simple one. It really isn't that much work to eat this way. I brined the pork chops from Coffee Pot Ranch; Kerry barbecued them. Oven roasted Yukon gold potatoes with leeks, broccolini and a bit of olive oil completed the meal. I put some of my BBQ sauce on my pork chop and Kerry ate his naked. Everything in the meal was local, organic, sustainable and ethical. I snacked on broccolini dipped in my cole slaw dressing while I was cooking.

That reminds me, Michael Pollan has adapted his book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" for children. It's available on Amazon. My friend Ami is reading it to her nine-year-old son so he will understand why she reads labels. We can't start training them too early to understand the dangers of processed food.

I want to thank Laura at Urbanhennery for hosting this wonderful opportunity. I know I didn't have it as tough as some of you in the Midwest and east. Finding asparagus fit for a locavore in February is something you can only do in warmer climates.

I went through the refrigerator freezer his morning and discovered enough meals for the next three days: chili, spicy lamb stew and moussaka. I get a certain satisfaction out of finished leftovers; Kerry isn't quite sure. I hate to waste food, especially the kind of food we eat.

Now I'm going to have to write about something else besides food. Well, not everyday.
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