We spent a four-day weekend in St. Louis with Mark and Julia. I had not seen the wedding quilt I made them hung on a wall. All the photos I posted before were sections of it. It was quite a revelation for me to see it in this format. Part of the border is a technique I learned from Rami Kim; it's folded fabric with a bead. Mark and Julia picked the fabric and the pattern.
They live in this wonderful brick bungalow that was probably built back in the 1940s. I love the archway on the right in the picture. Homes from this era have those kinds of wonderful touches. Also off to the right you can see Kerry (beard) and my son, Mark. They spent a lot of time together because Kerry threw his back out on the flight to St. Louis. That made for a much more relaxing weekend with lots of time for them to discuss electronics. Julia and I shopped and went to an orchid show at the Botanical Gardens. I really like St. Louis.
We are home; Kerry's back is recovering thanks to Julia finding a chiropractor in St. Louis. I had my knee shots today and a cut and color. It was a whole body maintenance day. We are both very tired. Hopefully we can catch up over the weekend.
Saturday is snow day for CCI dogs up in Truckee. Harleen loves this event. Hopefully we will see her pregnant buddy, Darlan.