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APEC hits Tokyo traffic

The 18th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting took place in Yokohama on 13 and 14 November - just finishing last night. While attempts were being made to kick start the long-stalled Doha Development Round talks, and Prime Minister Kan reasserted the Japaneseness of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, and President Obama was seeking freer trade with Asian countries, the police in Tokyo were taking no risks and restricting traffic around key areas of the meeting and the leaders' accommodation.

The result this weekend was unusually severe traffic congestion in certain parts of Tokyo, a fact that was carefully planned for and which announcements were made continually over Saturday and Sunday.

The above photo was taken on Edo-dori Avenue in Tokyo's Taito ward (one stop east of Akihabara). It says "APEC: until November 14, restrictions are in place on metropolitan freeways."


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