New York Times
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Christian Science Monitor
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Washington Post
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Last week's Japan news
Japan Statistics
Women who eat three bowls of rice or more daily have a 50% higher risk of becoming diabetic than those who eat just one bowl. That data comes from a study by the National Cancer Institute.
Source: Yomiuri Shinbun
"Do you want to live abroad?"
Yes: 56%
No: 44%
Of those who replied yes, the top choices were:
1) Canada
2) Australia
3) USA
4) New Zealand
5) UK
6) Italy
7) Northern Europe (Sweden, Norway, etc.)
8) Western Europe (Holland, Switzerland, etc.
9) France
10) Spain
Source: Asahi Shinbun Poll
The number of Japanese students in the US declined 15% in the 2009-2010 academic year.
Japan ranked sixth in number of foreign students in the US, but its total dropped to 24,800.
With 128,000 students, China was the number one country.
Source: Kyodo News
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