Indonesian Version
Kisah ini dimulai dengan seorang anak bernama Monkey D. Luffy, diilhami oleh pahlawan masa kecilnya "Si Rambut Merah" Shanks, yang pergi bertualang mengarungi samudera untuk menemukan One Piece. Sepanjang perjalan, ia mengatur dan memimpin sebuah kru bajak laut bernama Bajak Laut Topi Jerami. Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami terdiri dari pendekar pedang bernama Roronoa Zoro, navigator dan pencuri Nami, sniper Usopp, koki Sanji, dokter Tony Tony Chopper, arkeolog Nico Robin, pembuat kapal Franky, dan seorang musisi bernama Brook.
Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami menghadapi beragam penjahat seperti Baroque Works, God Enel, Sichibukai dan Marinir. Marinir adalah bawahan dari Pemerintah Dunia, yang mencari keadilan dengan mengakhiri Golden Age of Pirates (masa kejayaan para bajak laut). Kebanyak latar belakang cerita melibatkan keseimbangan kekuasaan antara Pemerintah Dunia dan beberapa kelompok bajak laut yang sangat kuat, terutama Empat Kaisar, empat bajak laut paling kuat di dunia.
Setelah kematian kakak angkat Luffy, Portgas D. Ace dan salah satu dari Empat Kaisar bernama Shirohige, kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami mengalami latihan keras. Dua tahun kemudian, kelompok Topi Jerami berkumpul lagi di Sabaody Archipelago dan mereka berangkat untuk mengarungi Dunia Baru.
English Version
The series begins with a boy named Monkey D. Luffy, inspired by his childhood hero the "Red-Haired" Shanks, going on a journey to find the One Piece. Along the way, he organizes and leads a crew named the Straw Hat Pirates. The crew consists of a swordsman named Roronoa Zoro; the navigator and thief Nami; the sharpshooter Usopp; the chef Sanji; the doctor Tony Tony Chopper; the archaeologist Nico Robin; the shipwright Franky; and a musician named Brook.
The crew faces diverse villains such as Baroque Works, Eneru, the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Marines. The marines are the subordinates of the World Government, who seek justice by ending the Golden Age of Pirates. Many background story elements involve the delicate balance of power between the World Government and the world's most powerful pirate crews, especially the Four Emperors, the four most powerful pirates in the world.
After the death of Luffy's adopted brother Portgas D. Ace and one of the Four Emperors named Whitebeard, the Straw Hat Crew undergoes rigorous training regimens. Two years later, the crew regroups at Sabaody Archipelago and set out on a journey to the New World.
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One Piece Episode
Status : Episode 001 - 489 [Ongoing]
Status : Episode 001 - 489 [Ongoing]
File Info:
Type : MKV (Mediafire, Hotfile) | AVI, MP4 (Indowebster)
Size : MKV (40-60 MB) | AVI, MP4 (200-250 MB)
Language : Japanese
Subtitle : English | Indonesia
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List of One Piece Episode [Ongoing]
- 001 : I'm Luffy! The man who's gonna be King of the Pirates!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Hotfile | Sub Indo - 002 : Enter the Great Swordsman! Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Hotfile | Sub Indo - 003 : Morgan versus Luffy! Who's the Mysterious Pretty Girl?
Mediafire | Indowebster | Hotfile | Sub Indo - 004 : Luffy's Past! Enter Red-Haired Shanks!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Hotfile | Sub Indo - 005 : A Terrifying Mysterious Power! Captain Buggy, the Clown Pirate!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Sub Indo - 006 : Desperate Situation! Beast Tamer Mohji vs. Luffy!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Sub Indo - 007 : Epic Showdown! Swordsman Zoro vs. Acrobat Cabaji!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Sub Indo - 008 : Who is the Victor? Devil Fruit Power Showdown!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Sub Indo - 009 : The Honorable Liar? Captain Usopp!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Sub Indo - 010 : The Weirdest Guy Ever! Jango the Hypnotist!
Mediafire | Indowebster | Sub Indo - 011 : Expose the Plot! Pirate Butler, Captain Kuro!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 012 : Clash with the Black Cat Pirates! The Great Battle on the Slope!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 013 : The Terrifying Duo! Meowban Brothers vs. Zoro!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 014 : Luffy's Revival! Kaya's Life and Death Confrontation
Mediafire | Indowebster - 015 : Defeat Kuro! Usopp's Tear-Filled Determination!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 016 : Protect Kaya! Usopp Pirate Gang Takes Action!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 017 : Completely Infuriated! Kuro vs. Luffy, Final Battle!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 018 : You are a Strange Beast! Gaimon and his Bizarre Friends
Mediafire | Indowebster - 019 : The Past of the Three Sword Technique! The Promise Between Zoro and Kuina!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 020 : The Famous Cook! Sanji of the Floating Restaurant
Mediafire | Indowebster - 021 : An Unexpected Guest! Sanji's Food and Gin's Grace
Mediafire | Indowebster - 022 : The Greatest Pirate Fleet! Captain Don Krieg
Mediafire | Indowebster - 023 : Protect Baratie! The Great Pirate, Zeff the Red Leg
Mediafire | Indowebster - 024 : Hawk Eyes Mihawk! Swordsman Zoro Falls into the Sea
Mediafire | Indowebster - 025 : The Emerge of the Super Kicking Skill! Sanji vs. The Iron Wall Pearl
Mediafire | Indowebster - 026 : Zeff and Sanji's Dream! The Sea of Dreams - All Blue
Mediafire | Indowebster - 027 : The Coldhearted Devil-man. Gin, the Pirate Fleet Battle Commander
Mediafire | Indowebster - 028 : I Won't Die! Conclusion: Luffy vs. Krieg
Mediafire | Indowebster - 029 : Outcome of a Deadly Battle! The Spear Inside!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 030 : Departure! Sea Chef and Luffy Travel Together!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 031 : The Most Wicked Man of East Blue, Fishman Pirate Arlong
Mediafire | Indowebster - 032 : The Witch of Cocoyashi Village, Arlong's Female Officer
Mediafire | Indowebster - 033 : Usopp's Death?! Luffy - Yet To Land?
Mediafire | Indowebster - 034 : Reunited! Usopp Tells Nami's True Story
Mediafire | Indowebster - 035 : The Hidden Past! Female Fighter Bellemere!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 036 : Survive! The Mother Bellemere and Nami's Family!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 037 : Luffy Stands Up! End of a Broken Promise!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 038 : Luffy in Trouble! Fishmen vs. Luffy Pirates!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 039 : Luffy Drowning! Zoro vs. Octopus Hatchan!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 040 : Proud Warriors! Dramatic Battle of Sanji and Usopp!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 041 : Luffy's Full Power! Nami's Courage and the Straw Hat
Mediafire | Indowebster - 042 : Bursting Out! Fishman Arlong, Fearsome Attack From The Sea!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 043 : The End of the Fishman Empire! Nami is my Comrade!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 044 : Setting off with a Smile! Farewell my Hometown, Cocoyashi Village!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 045 : Bounty! Straw Hat Luffy Becomes World Famous!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 046 : Following the Straw Hat! Little Buggy's Big Adventure
Mediafire | Indowebster - 047 : You've Been Waiting For It! The Return of Captain Buggy!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 048 : The Town of the Beginning and the End - Arrival at Loguetown
Mediafire | Indowebster - 049 : Sandai Kitetsu and Yubashiri! Zoro's New Swords, and the Female Sergeant Major
Mediafire | Indowebster - 050 : Usopp vs. Daddy The Father! Showdown at High Noon!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 051 : A Burning Culinary Battle? Sanji vs. The Gorgeous Chef
Mediafire | Indowebster - 052 : Buggy's Revenge! The Man who Smiles at the Execution Platform!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 053 : The Legend has Begun! Head to the Grand Line
Mediafire | Indowebster - 054 : Foreboding of a New Adventure! The Puzzling Girl, Apis
Mediafire | Indowebster - 055 : The Holy Beast! Apis' Secret and the Legendary Island
Mediafire | Indowebster - 056 : Erik's Raid! Great Escape from Gunkan Island!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 057 : Lone Island in a Distant Sea! The Legendary Lost Island
Mediafire | Indowebster - 058 : Duel in the Ruins! Strained Zoro vs. Erik
Mediafire | Indowebster - 059 : Luffy, Completely Surrounded! Admiral Nelson's Secret Plan
Mediafire | Indowebster - 060 : Those who Soar in the Open Skies! Revival of the 1000 Year Legend
Mediafire | Indowebster - 061 : Angry Finale! Cross the Red Line!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 062 : The First Obstacle? Giant Whale Laboon Appears
Mediafire | Indowebster - 063 : A Man's Promise, Luffy and the Whale Vow to Meet Again
Mediafire | Indowebster - 064 : A Pirate-Loving Town? Arrival at Whiskey Peak
Mediafire | Indowebster - 065 : Exploding Santoryu! Zoro vs. Baroque Works!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 066 : A Serious Fight! Luffy vs. Zoro: the Baffling Duel!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 067 : Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart
Mediafire | Indowebster - 068 : Try Hard, Koby! Diary of Koby-Meppo's Marine Struggles
Mediafire - 069 : Koby-Meppo's Determination! Vice Admiral Garp's Fatherly Pride
Mediafire | Indowebster - 070 : Prehistoric Island! The Shadow Lurking in Little Garden!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 071 : Humongous Battle! The Giants Dorry and Brogy!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 072 : Luffy's Anger! A Dirty Trick in a Sacred Battle
Mediafire | Indowebster - 073 : Brogy Wails in Victory! Elbaf's Judgement
Mediafire | Indowebster - 074 : The Devil's Candle! Tears of Regret and Tears of Anger
Mediafire | Indowebster - 075 : Luffy Attacked by Magic! Colors Trap
Mediafire | Indowebster - 076 : Critical Counterattack! Usopp's Quick Wit and Kaenboshi!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 077 : Farewell to the Giants' Island! On to Alabasta
Mediafire | Indowebster - 078 : Nami is Sick? Beyond the Snow that Falls on the Ocean!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 079 : Ambush! The Bliking and Wapol the Blik
Mediafire | Indowebster - 080 : A Doctorless Island? Adventure in the Country Without a Name!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 081 : Ya Happy? The Doctor who is Called a Witch!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 082 : Dalton's Resolve! Wapol's Forces Land
Mediafire | Indowebster - 083 : Island that Lives in Snow! Ascend The Drum Rockies!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 084 : The Blue-Nosed Reindeer! Chopper's Secret
Mediafire | Indowebster - 085 : Dream of the Outcasts! The Quack Doctor Hiruluk
Mediafire | Indowebster - 086 : Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms and Inherited Will
Mediafire | Indowebster - 087 : VS. Wapol's Army Corps! The Abilities of the Baku Baku Fruit!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 088 : Zoan Type Devil's Fruit! Chopper's Seven-Level Transformation
Mediafire | Indowebster - 089 : When the Kingdom's Rule is Over! The Flag of Conviction Lasts Forever
Mediafire | Indowebster - 090 : Hiruluk's Cherry Blossoms! Miracle of the Drum Rockies
Mediafire | Indowebster - 091 : Farewell, Drum Island! I'm Going Out to Sea!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 092 : The Hero of Alabasta and the Ballerina on Deck
Mediafire | Indowebster - 093 : Coming to the Desert Kingdom! The Rain-Calling Powder and the Rebel Arm
Mediafire | Indowebster - 094 : Reunion of the Powerful! His Name is Fire Fist Ace
Mediafire | Indowebster - 095 : Ace and Luffy! Warm Memories and Brotherly Bonds
Mediafire | Indowebster - 096 : The Green City, Erumalu and the Kung Fu Dugongs
Mediafire | Indowebster - 097 : Adventure in the Country of Sand! The Demons that Live in the Scorching Earth
Mediafire | Indowebster - 098 : Here Come the Desert Pirates! The Men who Live Free
Mediafire | Indowebster - 099 : Spirit of the Fakes! Heart of the Rebel Army, Kamyu!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 100 : Rebel Warrior Kohza! The Dream Sworn to Vivi!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 101 : Heat Haze Duel! Ace vs. Scorpion Man
Mediafire | Indowebster - 102 : Ruins and Lost Ones! Vivi, Comrades, and the Shape of a Country
Mediafire | Indowebster - 103 : At Spiders Cafe- The Enemy Ringleaders Meet at 8 o'clock
Mediafire | Indowebster - 104 : Luffy vs. Vivi! A Tearful Vow for Comrades
Mediafire | Indowebster - 105 : The Alabasta War Front! City of Dreams, Rainbase
Mediafire | Indowebster - 106 : Trap in a Desperate Situation! Breaking Into Rain Dinners
Mediafire | Indowebster - 107 : Operation Utopia Commences! The Wave of Rebellion Begins to Move
Mediafire | Indowebster - 108 : The Fearsome Bananawani and Mr. Prince
Mediafire | Indowebster - 109 : The Key to Turning the Tide and a Great Escape! Doru Doru Ball!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 110 : Merciless Fight to the Death! Luffy vs. Crocodile
Mediafire | Indowebster - 111 : The Miracle Sprint! Alabasta the Animal Land
Mediafire | Indowebster - 112 : Rebel Army vs. Royal Army! The Battle will be in Alubarna!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 113 : Alubarna is Crying! Fierce Fight of Captain Carue!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 114 : Swear on Your Comrade's Dream! Battle at Molehill 4th Avenue
Mediafire | Indowebster - 115 : Today's Grand Performance! Mane Mane Montage!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 116 : Transforming Into Nami! Bon Clay's Hard-Hitting Ballet Kenpo
Mediafire | Indowebster - 117 : Nami's Whirlwind Warning! Clima Tact Explosion
Mediafire | Indowebster - 118 : Secret of the Royal Family! The Ancient Weapon, Pluton
Mediafire | Indowebster - 119 : Essence of a Mighty Sword! The Power to Cut Steel and the Breath of All Things
Mediafire | Indowebster - 120 : The Battle is Over! Kohza Flies the White Flag
Mediafire | Indowebster - 121 : Vivi's Voice Goes Unheard! A Hero Descends!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 122 : Sand Crocodile and Water Luffy! Death Match: Round 2
Mediafire | Indowebster - 123 : Gatory! Run to the Tomb of the Royal Family, Luffy!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 124 : The Nightmare Draws Near! Secret Base of the Sand Sand Clan
Mediafire | Indowebster - 125 : Magnificent Wings! My Name is Pell, Guardian Spirit of the Kingdom
Mediafire | Indowebster - 126 : I Will Surpass You! Rain Falls on Alabasta!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 127 : A Farewell to Arms! Pirates and a Little Justice
Mediafire | Indowebster - 128 : The Pirates' Banquet and Operation Escape Alabasta!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 129 : Everything Began that Day! Vivi Tells of her Adventures!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 130 : Beware her Scent! The Seventh One is Nico Robin!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 131 : The First Patient! Anecdote of the Rumble Ball
Mediafire | Indowebster - 132 : The Navigator's Mutiny! For an Unwavering Dream!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 133 : Inherited Recipe! Sanji the Curry Iron Chef
Mediafire | Indowebster - 134 : I'll Make it Bloom! Manly Usopp's Eight-Shaku Ball
Mediafire | Indowebster - 135 : Infamous Pirate Hunter! The Wandering Swordsman, Zoro
Mediafire | Indowebster - 136 : Zenny Lives on Goat Island and There's a Pirate Ship on his Mountain!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 137 : How's That for Profit? Money Lender Zenny's Ambition!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 138 : Where the Island's Treasure Lies! Zenny Pirates Full Charge!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 139 : Legend of the Rainbow Mist! Ruluka Island and the Old Man Henzo
Mediafire | Indowebster - 140 : Inhabitants of Neverland! The Pumpkin Pirates!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 141 : A Longing for Home! The Inescapable Pirate Graveyard!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 142 : Frantic Struggle! Whetton's Plans and the Rainbow Tower
Mediafire | Indowebster - 143 : And Then the Legend Begins! To the End of the Rainbow
Mediafire | Indowebster - 144 : The Log is Taken! Salvage King, Masira!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 145 : Monsters Appear! Don't Touch the Whitebeard Pirates
Mediafire | Indowebster - 146 : Stop Dreaming! The City of Ridicule, Mock Town!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 147 : The Pirate's Summit! The Man who Talks of Dreams and the King of Underwater Exploration
Mediafire | Indowebster - 148 : The Legendary Family! 'Liar Norland
Mediafire | Indowebster - 149 : Hard Turn to the Clouds! Find the Southbird!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 150 : Dreams Don't Come True!? Bellamy vs. The Saruyama Alliance
Mediafire | Indowebster - 151 : The 100 Million Man! The World's Greatest Authority and the Pirate Blackbeard
Mediafire | Indowebster - 152 : Sail into the Sky! Ride the Knock-Up Stream
Mediafire | Indowebster - 153 : This is the Sea of the Sky! The Knight of the Sky and Heaven's Gate
Mediafire | Indowebster - 154 : Godland Skypiea! The Angels Of the Cloud Beach
Mediafire | Indowebster - 155 : Forbidden Sacred Ground! The Island Where God Resides and Heaven's Judgement!
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 157 : Can we Escape!? God's Ordeals are Set in Motion!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 158 : Trap on Lovely Street! Almighty God Enel
Mediafire | Indowebster - 159 : Go Forth, Little Crow! To the Sacrificial Altar
Mediafire | Indowebster - 160 : Survival Rate: 10%! Priest Satori with the Power of Mantra!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 161 : Peril of the Ordeal of Balls! Fight to the Death in the Lost Forest
Mediafire | Indowebster - 162 : Chopper's in Danger! Former God vs. Shinto priest Shura
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 165 : Floating Land of Gold, Jaya! To God's Shrine!
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 167 : God Enel Appears!! Aubade to the Survivors
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 182 : Finally Clashing! Pirate Luffy vs God Enel!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 183 : Maxim Rises! The Start of Deathpiea!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 184 : Luffy's Fall! God's Judgement and Nami's Desire!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 185 : Two People Awaken! A Rescue in Front of Burning Love!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 186 : Capriccio to Destruction! The Impending Doom of Sky Island!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 187 : Guidance from the Sound of a Bell! The Great Warrior and Tales of an Explorer
Mediafire | Indowebster - 188 : Released from Disgrace! The Tears of the Great Warrior!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 189 : Eternal Friendship! The Bell of Oath Echoes Throughout the Giant Ocean!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 190 : The Destruction of Angel Island! Terror of The Descending Raigou!!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 191 : Chop Down Giant Jack! The Last Hope of Escaping
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 193 : The War Draws to a Close! Ringing War and Wide, the Proud Fantasia
Mediafire | Indowebster - 194 : I Have Come Here! The Weaving of the Poneglyphs
Mediafire | Indowebster - 195 : Now Heading Towards the Blue Sea! Memories of an Interwoven Finale
Mediafire | Indowebster - 196 : Emergency Announcement! An Infamous Pirate Ship has Invaded!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 197 : Sanji the Chef! Demonstrating True Pride at the Marine Mess Hall!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 198 : Zoro's Imprisonment and Chopper's Emergency Operation!
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 201 : The Squadron of Burning Souls Attack!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 202 : Breaking Through Enemy Lines! The Rescue of the Going Merry!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 203 : Stronghold Battle Round 2
Mediafire | Indowebster - 204 : Operation Gold Recovery and Operation Waver Retrieval!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 205 : The Pirate Round-Up Plan! Jonathon's Secret Winning Strategy!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 206 : So Long, Marine Base! The Final Battle for Freedom
Mediafire | Indowebster - 207 : Big Adventure in Long Ring Long Land
Mediafire | Indowebster - 208 : The Foxy Pirate Crew and the Davy Back!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 209 : Round 1! One Lap of the Donut Race
Mediafire | Indowebster - 210 : Foxy the Silver Fox! A Violent Interference
Mediafire | Indowebster - 211 : Round 2! Shoot into the Groggy Ring!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 212 : Rapid-Fire Red Cards! Groggy Ring
Mediafire | Indowebster - 213 : Round 3! Round and Round Roller Race!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 214 : Burning Roller Race! Dash into the Final Round!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 215-216 : The Screaming Speed Serve! Pirate Dodgeball!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 217 : Captain Confrontation! The Last Fight: Combat!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 218 : Full Power Noro Noro Beam vs The Invulnerable Luffy
Mediafire | Indowebster - 219 : Heroic Fierce Combat! The Fateful Last Battle
Mediafire | Indowebster - 220 : You Lost Your Memory? It was Taken Away? Who are You?
Mediafire | Indowebster - 221 : The Mysterious Boy with the Whistle and Robin's Deduction
Mediafire | Indowebster - 222 : Get Back the Memories! The Pirates Land
Mediafire | Indowebster - 223 : Zoro Sharpens His Fangs! A Fight with a Wild Animal
Mediafire | Indowebster - 224 : The Real Memory Thief's Final Counterattack!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 225 : The Man of Pride! Foxy the Silver Fox
Mediafire | Indowebster - 226 : The Nigh Invincible Man? And a Very Dangerous Man!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 227-228 : Marine High Admiral Aokiji! The Threat of the Greatest Power
Mediafire | Indowebster - 229 : Rubber and Ice One-On-One Fight! Luffy vs Aokiji!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 230 : Running Sea Train! The City of Water, Water 7
Mediafire | Indowebster - 231 : The Adventure in the City of Water! Aim for the Giant Shipyard
Mediafire | Indowebster - 232 : The Franky Family and Iceburg!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 233 : Galley-La Company! The Magnificent Dock #1
Mediafire | Indowebster - 234 : The Pirate Kidnapping Incident and the Pirate Ship Waits for Death!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 235 : Rescuing a Friend! The Raid on the Franky House
Mediafire | Indowebster - 236 : Quarrel in the Moonlight! The Pirate Ship Trembles in Sadness
Mediafire | Indowebster - 237 : Luffy vs Usopp! The Spirit of the Clashing Men
Mediafire | Indowebster - 238 : The City of Water is Shaking! Iceburg was Targeted!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 239 : Rubberman vs Fire-Breathing Cyborg
Mediafire | Indowebster - 240 : The Criminals are the Straw Hat Pirates? The Bodyguards of Water 7
Mediafire | Indowebster - 241 : An Eternal Farewell? Nico Robin, The Woman Who Bears Darkness
Mediafire | Indowebster - 242 : Catch Robin! The Determination of the Straw Hat Pirates
Mediafire | Indowebster - 243 : The Signal is the Explosion! CP9 Starts to Move
Mediafire | Indowebster - 244 : CP9 Unmasked! Their Shocking True Faces
Mediafire | Indowebster - 245 : The Secret Bond! Franky and Iceburg
Mediafire | Indowebster - 246 : Come Back, Robin! The Confrontation with CP9
Mediafire | Indowebster - 247 : Destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates? The Terror of the Model Leopard!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 248 : The Man who is Loved by his Ship! Usopp's Tears!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 249 : Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train Ran
Mediafire | Indowebster - 250 : Spandam's Conspiracy! The Day the Sea Train Shook
Mediafire | Indowebster - 251 : The End of the Legendary Man! The Day the Sea Train Cried
Mediafire | Indowebster - 252 : The Steam Whistle Separates the Group! The Sea Train Begins to Run
Mediafire | Indowebster - 253 : Sanji Breaks In! The Sea Train Battle in the Storm!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 254 : The Shout of Nami's Soul! The Return of the Straw Hat!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 255 : Another Sea Train! Rocket Man Sortie
Mediafire | Indowebster - 256 : Rescue our Friends! The Oath that Links the Enemies
Mediafire | Indowebster - 257 : Smash the Wave! Luffy and Zoro, The Strongest Combo!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 258 : A Man of Mystery Appears!? His Name is Sogeking!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 259 : Cook Confrontation! Sanji vs Ramen Kenpo
Mediafire | Indowebster - 260 : Duel on the Roof! Franky vs Nero!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 261 : Crash! Demon-Cutting Zoro vs Ship-Cutting T-Bone!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 262 : Robin Struggles! Sogeking's Clever Scheme!!
Indowebster | Hotfile - 263 : The Judiciary Island! The Full Picture of Enies Lobby!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 264 : Operation Disembarkation Commences! The Straw Hat Crew Rushes In!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 265 : Battle with the Giants!
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Mediafire | Indowebster - 267 : The Means of Escaping is Opened! Fly through the Sky, Rocketman!
Mediafire | Indowebster - 268-269 : Catch Up with Luffy! The Straw Hat Pirates' All-Out War
Indowebster | Hotfile - 270 : Give Robin Back! Luffy vs. Blueno!
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Hotfile - 279 : Jump Into the Falls! Luffy's Feelings!!
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