So I've been MIA recently and will continue to be until things settle down. Some exciting things are happening to me but I'm not quite ready to share just yet. I will say though that I'm super ecstatic! I have left the world of designing fashion and entered into the world of buying and landed an amazing job at an amazing place, truly a dream come true! I'm now on track on where I want to be for my career path. I still love designing and making clothes and that is something that will always be with me. I'm headed to San Francisco next week to start an orientation there but I'll be based in the Los Angeles office. I must admit that I'm a bit, okay, super nervous. I'll be checking in and out every now and then to check out blogs and to leave comments. So if I don't get back to you right away know that I will soon.
Anyway, last weekend when it was still somewhat sunny in Orange County I headed out to Balboa Island with my family. It was very pleasant and of course no trip is ever complete without an outfit photo taking session, that is, however, if I remember to take my camera. It was Teddy's, our 14 month old yorkie's, first time by the ocean! He did not pay any attention to the ocean at all though because he was too preoccupied trying to get out of the sand. He really does not like sand. 

shoes: Swedish Hasbeens for H&M
bag: from a market in Mexico
leather bow: from my childhood
magnifying necklace: etsy
cameo ring: vintage
filigree ring: HSN
scenery ring: handmade
heart sunnies: U.O.