This week's links. Enjoy.
Lapham's Quarterly Summer 2011 Food Issue
It's out! Follow the link for generous helpings of great reading about food — histories, personalities, dishes and more.
DIY Woven Lamp
Love this great tutorial on Poppytalk about how to make a gorgeous hanging wood veneer lampshade by Arounna Khounnoraj of Bookhou — a perfect rainy day project. Via sfgirlbybay.
The 100 Greatest Non-Fiction Books
The Guardian draws up their list of the very best factual writing, organised by category, and then by date. And I really must get a copy of Montaigne's Essays — I've been meaning to read it for years now.
The Many Noses of Orson Welles
Besides being famous for his films, Orson Welles was also known for the astonishing variety of fake noses he wore during his film career. Here's a look at some of his more notable ones — and some entertaining stories about them, too.
Hints for Lady Travelers
Veronique Mistiaen takes a look at Hints to Lady Travellers at Home and Abroad, written in 1889 by Lillias Campbell Davidson and reprinted earlier this year by the Royal Geographic Society. The very first British travel guide written for women by a woman, this Victorian travel guide at times sounds remarkably modern.
Behind the Scenes
A wonderful collection of behind-the-scenes shots from famous movies — a fantastic glimpse of a time when sets were built by hand and special effects were mechanical. Via kottke.
The Unsung Heroes of Biscuit Embossing
Fascinating history of the often intricate designs on biscuits and cookies — the Oreo, for one, has been through several designs since it first appeared in 1912. As one commenter says, beautiful design is everywhere.
Ten Summery No-Cook Desserts
Great round up from Saveur of easy warm weather desserts, from mango sherbet to raspberry brûlée.
(photo from design*sponge via spooky home)