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Rainbow Pride Ehime to get city funding


Matsuyama City is the capital of Ehime prefecture, the northwestern prefecture of Shikoku Island, the smallest of Japan’s four main islands.

A provincial town like Matsuyama of only half a million people might not typically be expected to be particularly progressive or liberal in its policies and initiatives, yet the tenacity and persistence of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual activists have proved the common wisdom wrong once again.

That is to say, Matsuyama City has just extended its GLBT community the right to receive funds from the city’s “citizen activity promotional fund.” The organization that achieved this is the non-profit organization Rainbow Pride Ehime, a GLBT group that works to promote the rights and visibility of sexual minorities in Ehime prefecture.

Having gotten this far, the organization’s next move is to make further presentations to Matsuyama City regarding the specific projects it wants municipal money for.

As was simply expressed by a Rainbow Pride Ehime representative regarding this breakthrough: “If you make yourself properly heard, the community will try and start thinking about you.”

Well done, Rainbow Pride Ehime!

Check out the Rainbow Pride Ehime website (Japanese language only)


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