
It's weird to be working on Christmas wall hangings when the temperature is 106. The wreath I've already shown you, but the Santa is new. Again, it's paper piecing which I like because you get such accurate points. I could never do an entire quilt with this technique. It would drive me crazy. And, of course, some of the pieces for the One Block Wonder are still up there, which I seem to be ignoring. I need my friend Deborah to help me with it.

My sister text messaged me yesterday with the news that they took away her wheel chair. She just has a walker. Right now her date to go home is next Friday. Today I read over the posts I've made over the past six months. It's easy to forget how awful things were and how many of you prayed, sent energy, reiki for her. She is indeed a miracle. Thank you so much

The other big news is that a fellow blogger ( is making the earrings to go with my wedding outfit. When they are finished I will show you a photo. She is a fabulous designer and her prices are more than reasonable. That's all for now.
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