Twas The Night Before...Harleen!

Yes, tomorrow is the day we drive to Santa Rosa to pick up our little girl. We are meeting our friends Steve and Janet at Chili's for lunch (they recently lost their precious golden lab Abby) and then heading up to the Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) campus, which is named for Charles Schulz (he and his wife were big benefactors). If you are a reader of mysteries, Dean Koontz is also a big benefactor.

At 2 p.m. we meet the little girl and go through orientation. Kerry and I are nervous and excited. The manual gives so many instructions, it's hard to know where to begin. The most important thing is for Kerry and me to be the alpha people in Harleen's life. Meanwhile it's going to be 106 degrees tomorrow. Yikes.

We have her soft crate, which she will be in while we drive home, her regular crate in our bedroom, her food, her water and food dishes, etc. It's like preparing for a baby. Normally we would be going to puppy kindergarten on Saturday but because it's Labor Day weekend there are no classes. So we have a week to bond with our little girl before we begin training.

This is going to be fun.