The Turtle Is In The Driveway

Kerry and I were sitting in our rocking chairs on the front porch a couple of nights ago when we noticed a cloud of dust on our road heading to the house. Sure enough it was Turtle Doug and his cute companion (shown here) Miss Kate. He was going to leave tomorrow to go to Reno to join some of his "burner" friends but decided to spend an extra night here so he and my brother, who arrives tomorrow evening, can talk about Obama.

His "burner" friends are those who will be at the Burning Man Project in the Nevada Desert from August 25 to Sept. 1. If you want to learn more about it go to

This is Doug's third year at Burning Man. Dog's aren't allowed so Miss Kate will stay with us. She will get to welcome Miss Harleen, our puppy we are going to raise for Canine Companions for Independence. Everyone needs a big sister and Kate will fill that role nicely for Miss Harleen.

Report on my first attempt at making cheese; a dismal failure. I tried to make cream cheese but ended up with something that was runny and tasted terrible. I've always had trouble measuring accurately but usually can fudge. With yeast bread and cheese, accuracy is a key ingredient. I will try again. The bran, molasses, sunflower seed bread I made turned out. It is delicious toasted in the morning with just plain butter on it.

Have I told you how much I like to look at blogs about sheep. There are several out there, Farmgirl Fare, Boulderneigh, Ramsay Farms, and Silveraurora where the barnyard pictures are just plain cute. These women and one man know a whole lot more about sheep than I do; I'm just a visitor to their blogs for the photos and recipes. Boulderneigh recently featured a zucchini bread with dried cherries and chocolate chips. It looked delicious. I will try it soon. Well, dinner is in the crock pot and the Olympics are on TV so I'd better get busy.
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