Happy Birthday Harleen

She's nine months old today. I went back through some pictures of her. The one on the left is the day we brought her home, all 11.5 pounds of her. Now she weighs 59 pounds. The most recent one shows her wearing her dog seat belt in the back seat of my car. And then there is my all time favorite which was taken at the CCI Christmas party. She still hasn't gone into heat. I check her about once a week but no signs of blood. Somebody told me that her dog acted goofy before going into heat. Well, Harleen acts that way most days of the week.

Not much else going on here. I'm busy working on a camping quilt for Mark and Julia. They bought a kit and then discovered that it really wasn's as easy to sew as the web site suggested. I need to have it to them in Albuquerque before next Monday. The directions for this thing are very hard to understand. Yesterday I reached an exceedingly high level of frustration with the directions when I called Mark and told him I wanted to burn the quilt. He helped me figure things out so I'm back on track. Definitly not as much fun as my kind of quilts.
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