Introducing Bailey

She's the reason Jean and I went to Santa Rosa last Wednesday. She's an 8-week-old Goldendoodle (part standard poodle and part Golden Retriever). Bailey is not a service dog in training; she's a pet.

We drove home with her in a small, soft sided crate in the back seat. First she threw up her lunch and was eating it again. That precipitated a quick stop and clean up in a mortuary parking lot in Sonoma. It was the closest, safest place to stop.

Then she pooped not too far from home. Cleaned that up and then took her to her new house. She is adorable. Jean reports that so far she is being a pretty good puppy. Up just once during the night to pee.

Another dog to chronicle. She weighs 10.5 pounds and lives with Jasmine, a 12-year-old golden retriever who seems to be tolerating her so far.
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