This is a German stripe organic heirloom that I bought at the farmer's market the other day. One of the farms is selling various vegetable plants. I haven't had a garden in a couple of years. I just got tired of trying to keep things alive in July when it hits 105 here.
I got four plants for $8. The other two are Georgia streak tomatoes. We have not had a frost in a month so I think I'm safe to do this. The locals say the blackberries need to be blooming before you plant tomatoes. Mine are not quite there.
Don't know if I will plant any other vegetables. I'll see what he has to sell next week. I probably buy more tomatoes than anything else at the market so this was an economic decision.
My sister is still in the hospital but doing very well. Her CT scan showed everything is just fine. She's now eating solid foods. Her birthday is April 12th. Last year we celebrated it in the ICU. I sure hope she's home to celebrate this one, which is a biggie...60.