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Simple Pleasures

Space — something that anyone with a small house or apartment (like me!) will particularly appreciate.

(image via convoy — sadly, no photo credit given, so still looking)

Li Xiaofeng

Last year Chinese artist Li Xiaofeng was asked by Lacoste to create two different polo shirts for the 2010 Holiday Collector’s Series. Xiaofeng is a sculptor with an unusual choice of materials — he buys shards of broken porcelain recovered from ancient archeological digs, and then shapes and polishes them, drilling holes into each corner and linking them together with silver wire to create 'rearranged landscapes'. Since the two Lacoste polos would have to be shipped out of China, Xiaofeng decided to create new shards especially for the project, as China forbids the export of ancient artefacts — including porcelain shards. Bowls painted with designs inspired by early Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644 AD) and the Kangxi Period (1662 - 1772 AD) of the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911 AD) were fired and then broken and reformed into the extraordinary works of art you see here. I've posted other examples of his work — ones that use antique shards — for comparison's sake, too. More here. Via Yatzer.

(photography by Miko He)

Meet the Sponsor

I'm thrilled to welcome Linda of the lovely vintage shop Odd and Old to automatism! Linda is an English antiques dealer based in Lille (in northern France), and her etsy shop is where she shares her wonderful French finds — such as the ones shown here. Linda also has a Valentine's Day special on right now for automatism readers — just enter the coupon code AUTOMATISM at checkout to enjoy 10% off on any purchase until February 14 2011! A perfect opportunity to add a little Gallic charm to your home!

Isolasi dan Uji Aktivitas Anti Bakteri Minyak Atsiri dari Rimpang Lengkuas

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Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang isolasi dan uji aktivitas antibakteri minyak atsiri dari rimpang lengkuas (Alpinia galanga L.) dengan ekstrak berwarna kuning bening sebanyak 3,5 mL.

Hasil uji aktivitas minyak atsiri terhadap bakteri E. coli pada konsentrasi 100 ppm dan 1000 ppm menunjukkan diameter daerah hambatan sebesar 7 mm dan 9 mm, sedangkan minyak atsiri hanya mampu menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri S. aureus pada konsentrasi 1000 ppm sebesar 7 mm. Analisis Kromatografi Gas –Spektrometer Massa menunjukkan bahwa minyak atsiri rimpang lengkuas didominasi oleh 8 senyawa : D-limonen; Eukaliptol; 3-sikloheksen-1-ol, 4-metil-1-(1-metietil); Fenol, 4-(2-profenil)-asetat; 2,6-oktadien-1-ol, 3,7-dimetil-asetat; 1,6,10-dodekatrien, 7,11-dimetil-3-metilen; Pentadesen; sikloheksen, 1-metil-4-(5-metil-1-metilen-4-heksenil.

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Isolasi dan Uji Aktivitas Anti Bakteri Minyak Atsiri dari Rimpang Lengkuas (Alpinia galanga L.)
M. Oka Adi Pratawa dan P. Fanny Sastra Dewi
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Udayana, Bukit Jambiran
Kata kunci : antibakteri, minyak atsiri, Alpinia galanga

Download Link:
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Hagoita are wooden paddles used to play a badminton-like game called hanetsuki (羽根突). The battledores are brightly decorated often with characters from Kabuki dramas. Hagoita appear to date from the Edo Period (1603-1868) of Japanese history.

The game of hanetsuki is traditionally played by young girls at New Year.

Hagoita can be bought to use as a decoration and make for colorful souvenirs of a holiday in Japan.


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Grand National Roadster Show 2011

My buddies Jeff and Nate came down from Vegas for the show. Jeff had sent me these shots since I wasn't able to make it down. Some cool shit. Thanks Jeff for the photos.

Now that the show is over I have planned to shoot with Jimmy White of Circle City Hot Rods and need to set up a shoot of a Triumph in Huntington Beach. Time to get busy with the camera again.


Pretty cushions in a lovely room, to start your Monday on a cheerful note.

(photo from hus & hem via room 269)

Northern Calm

Paula Leen creates beautiful handmade textiles in Akkrum, a village in the Dutch region of Friesland. The peaceful and quiet atmosphere she finds in the countryside provides the inspiration for her tapestries, carpets, blankets and even vases made almost exclusively in a variety of wools (from local sheep), carefully blended to create different textures. Her tranquil home reflects the gentle colours found in her work — it's not surprising that Paula says "This house has an amazing calming effect on guests. " More (in Italian) here. Via Marie Claire Italia.

(photos by Hotse Eisma/Living Inside)

Design Canada

Love the witty and playful Canadiana in the design work of Nicole Tarasick, such as her Great Lakes Pillow, Up North Compass Tote Bag (inspired by signage for Parks Canada) and YYZ Airport Code Pillow design (from the code for Toronto's Pearson Airport). Visit her website and etsy shop to buy. Via the Globe and Mail.

Automatism Vintage Sale

I'm having a Valentine's Day sale over at my automatism vintage shop on etsy! Until February 15 2011, enter the coupon code HEART at checkout to receive 20% off your book order. Have a browse here.

Recent Completed Projects

Spent the weekend finishing up Top Shelf Customs 2o11 Parts Catalog. Shot all the photos of the bikes, parts and designed the whole thing. I drop it off tomorrow at the printers to get folded, stapled and hole punched and then it's off to the Cincinnati Dealer show.

This was an invite that my buddies wife secretly contacted me to do for his 40th Surprise birthday party. Now that it's over I can post it up on the blog. It was pretty cool they had the cake color done similar to the background color and had it decorated with some of the same icons I had done on the card. Happy Birthday Fed. The Taco Man ruled.

Cafe Fugetsu Green Tea Cheesecake

Green Tea Cheesecakeカフェ富月京都

Tucked on a side street of Kyoto's Gion is Cafe Fugetsu.

It is housed in a building that was formerly a tea house.

Fugetsu is off of the main drag of Hanamikoji Dori, so is a bit quieter and less thronged with tourists.

Once inside, though, and you are entering a different world.

It specializes in green tea and tofu cafes and beverages.


From Minami-za Theater, walk towards Yasaka Shrine on Shijo Dori. At Hanamikoji, turn right and head into the main area of Gion. At the fourth corner on the left, turn left (east). Cafe Fugetsu is on the right side of the street.

Tel: 075 561 5937


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Japan News This Week 30 January 2011


Japan News.In Japan, Young Face Generational Roadblocks

New York Times

Japanese Volcano Erupting


Japan's 'convict' monkey stages daring cage break


Japanese pensioners' shoplifting hits record high


Japan's credit rating downgraded by Standard & Poor's


High court sides with Tokyo on anthem

Japan Times

El carguero japonés llega a la Estación Espacial Internacional

El Pais



The Tokyo Air Raids in the Words of Those Who Survived, 被災者が語る東京空襲

Japan Focus

Japan downplay Kagawa absence in Asian Cup

Yahoo Sports

Last Week's News


In the week ending January 16, clinics around Japan saw 780,000 flu cases.

Source: Kyodo News

To date, forty-five people have died as a result of snow this winter. 27 of those died as a result of accidents while clearing snow.

Source: Daily Yomiuri

Foreign visitors to Japan topped out at 8.61million in 2010. By nationality, South Koreans finished on top. 53.8% of the tourists were from Korea. In second place was China, at 40.5%.

Source: Daily Yomiuri

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One Piece Movie 10 : Strong World

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Strong World - Sebuah film One Piece yang merupakan "Thriller Bark" dari film animenya. Film ini berlatar belakang di East Blue. Dalam film ini diceritakan bahwa East Blue akan dihancurkan oleh bajak laut bernama Shiki atau "Singa Emas Shiki".

Dalam film juga melibatkan karakter terhebat dari angkatan laut, yaitu Monkey D. Garp dan Sengoku The Budha. Sepertinya kisahnya akan sangat menarik, ketika karakter-karakter hebat dalam One Piece berkumpul dalam satu film.

Dalam film ini, kelompok bajak laut Topi Jerami di pisahkan dari kelompok mereka dengan kekuatan buah setan yang dimiliki oleh Shiki. Luffy sendiri, Sanji dengan Usopp, Roronoa Zorro dengan Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin dengan Franky dan Brook. Sedangkan Nami bersama dengan Shiki.

Lalu bagaimanakah nasib East Blue di tangan Shiki?

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One Piece Movie 10 : Storng World
Released : 12 Desember 2009
Durasi : 113 menit

Alternative Download Link:
Hotfile :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 [350 MB-mkv]

Mediafire :
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 [350 MB-mkv]

*Join filenya dengan HJ Split
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One Piece Movie 9 : Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in the Winter, Miracle Sakura

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Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in the Winter, Miracle Sakura - Movie ini menceritakan kembali tentang Pulau Drum, yang pada versi TV Seriesnya adalah tempat pertama kali bertemu dengan Tony Tony Chopper. Tetapi episode pulau Drum yang dibuat movie ini agak berbeda dengan versi aslinya.

Karakter Vivi dihapuskan dalam film ini, sedangkan Nico Robin dan Franky yang bergabung setelah dari pulau Drum, justru malah ada karakternya di versi movie ini. Sepertinya Oda mau membuat karakter baru pada film ini. Selain itu, kapal yang mereka pakai bukanlah Going Merry, tetapi kapal mereka yang baru yaitu Thousand Sunny.

Selain kapal dan karakter yang berbeda, musuh yang dihadapi oleh kelompok bajak laut Topi Jerami ini juga berbeda. Dalam versi TV Seriesnya, mereka bertarung melawan Wapol, mantan Raja Kerajaan Drum. Tetapi di versi movienya ini, mereka berhadapan dengan kakaknya Wapol, Mushul yang juga termasuk pemilik kekuatan buah setan.

Bagaimanakah kisah baru Topi Jerami di Pulau Drum? Seperti apakah kekuatan buah setan yang dimiliki Mushul?

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One Piece Movie 9 : Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in the Winter, Miracle Sakura
Released : 01 Maret 2008
Durasi : 113 menit
Download Link:
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