This week's links. Enjoy.
Handmade Hats
The near-century old Paul's Hat Works in San Francisco is a very rare shop indeed — they actually make hats on the premises by hand. It almost ended in 2009 — until four female hatmakers (now known as the Four Pauls) took over the business. So great to see an old tradition carried on with such style and energy!
Back to the Future
This is so fun and clever. Photographer Irina Werning has people reenact their old childhood photos in her fab photo series Back to the Future, with fascinating (and funny) results. Slightly NSFW — one brave soul poses partially au naturel, just as she did as a carefree toddler! Via the wonderful for the art of it (on twitter).
Why We Need Art
Seems that in the US, arts funding is once again poised for cuts (as is happening here in Canada, too). Here are some compelling reasons from the science and business sectors as to why this is a bad idea.
The Diary: Three Centuries of Private Lives
The Morgan Library has a fascinating exhibition on right now that looks at 300 years of diaries and private papers — have a peek at the thoughts of notable writers like Charlotte Brontë and Sir Walter Scott. Follow the link for a selection from the show. Via brainpicker.
Going Underground
There's all kinds of curious stuff being stored deep underground these days, from sensitive information and files of rare photographs to tons (literally) of Kraft cheese. Via Andrew (thanks!)
Natural Beauty Guru
Whole Living plays 10 Questions with natural beauty guru Janice Cox. I'm definitely going to try out her favourite recipe for a facial mask, which she describes as "... found right inside my refrigerator — I like to use plain non-fat yogurt with a teaspoon of honey. The lactic acid in the yogurt really deep cleanses and softens your skin, and the honey is great for adding moisture and keeping your skin clear." Sounds wonderful.
Penny Dreadfuls
Design Observer has a cynically amusing slideshow of penny dreadfuls and vinegar valentines — 19th century insult greetings sent out on Valentine's Day. Later examples of the genre are included, too — political correctness is definitely a recent phenomenon (I shudder to think that anyone actually got one of these in the mail).
Eggplant, Ricotta and Parmesan Bake
A delicious one dish recipe from the wonderful Donna Hay. Perfect for a winter supper.
(photo from kitka via the brick house)