Indonesia Version
Masih ingat ulah gila para kru serial JACKASS? Well, sekarang Anda bisa kembali menikmati ulah gila mereka, dan kali ini bakal lebih seru lagi. Kenapa? Karena mereka menyajikannya dalam format tiga dimensi alias 3D.
Berawal dari serial yang diputar di jaringan televisi MTV antara tahun 2000 sampai 2002, tiga versi layar lebar telah dibuat dan kini, Johnny Knoxville bersama timnya telah siap mengguncang gedung bioskop dengan ulah gila mereka. Berbeda dari biasanya, kali ini JACKASS akan dibuat di sebuah lokasi. Bukan di jalanan seperti biasanya.
Kabarnya, di bulan awal syuting saja sudah banyak korban yang berjatuhan. Bam Margera sempat mengalami patah tulang iga, belum termasuk pergelangan kaki yang terkilir dan bahu yang cedera. Bagaimana tidak, aksi para kru JACKASS 3D ini memang benar-benar gila
Jackass 3D 2011
English Version
Remember the insane act of the series Jackass crew? Well, now you can again enjoy their crazy act, and this time it will be more exciting again. Why? Because they serve it in three-dimensional format, aka 3D.
Starting from a series that plays on the MTV television network between 2000 and 2002, three big screen version has been created and now, Johnny Knoxville and his team were ready to shake the theater with their mad tantrum. Different than usual, this time Jackass will be made at a location. Not on the streets as usual.
Reportedly, in the early months of filming alone was a lot of falling victim. Bam Margera had suffered broken ribs, not including a sprained ankle and shoulder injuries. How not, the action of the crew of this 3D Jackass really crazy
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Jackass 3D
Quality : DVDRip
Released : 15 )ktober 2010 (USA)
Runtime : 94 menit
Starring : Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O and Bam Margera
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : English
Subtitle : Indonesia | English
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