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The Illusionist

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Indonesia Version
Saat perkataan pesulap Eisenhelm (Edward Norton) diatas panggung, ilusi-ilusi yang menakjubkan Pangeran Leopold (Rufus Sewell), kala sang pemimpin hadir di salah satu penampilan sulap untuk membuktikan kepiawaian Eisenheim. Pada saat itu, Sophie von Teschen (Jessica Biel), tunangan Pangeran, membantu sang pesulap diatas panggung. Eisenheim dan Sophie sudah saling mengenal sejak kecil – dan cinta mereka tumbuh kembali

Saat hubungan gelap mereka berlanjut, Kepala Inspektor lihai, Uhl (Paul Giamatti) ditugaskan oleh Leopold untuk memperbesar usahanya menentang Eisenheim yang dituduh sebagai penipu, meskipun ia mendapatkan dukungan publik. Uhl dengan gigih mencari sebab dan pelaku dibalik penipuan tersebut, sementara Eisenheim bersiap-siap melaksanakan ilusinya yang luar biasa.

English Version
A young boy falls in love with a girl that is way above his social standards along with the art of magic. Although the parents forbid them of seeing each other they cannot be split apart. Until one day they were found together and the boy was sent off. He became a magician and traveled the world. She fell in love with another man, the Crown Prince. The two got engaged but the boy, Eisenheim, finally meets back up with the girl and uses his powers to free her from the royal house in Vienna.

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The Illusionist
Quality : BRRip
Released : 3 Maret 2007 (Indonesia)
Runtime : 110 menit
Starring : Edward Norton, Jessica Biel and Paul Giamatti
Additional Info : IMDB
Language : English
Subtitle : Indonesia
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