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Nagoya City Wild Bird Observation Center


After a failed attempt to visit the new SCMaglev & Railway Park at Kinjo Futo at Nagoya Port - the queue was over an hour long - we walked back to Noseki Station on the Aonami Line to take a look at the Nagoya City Wild Bird Observation Center.

The two storey facility is free and has an observation deck on each floor equipped with telescopes to view the many birds in the huge estuary created by the Shonaigawa, Shinkawa and Nikkogawa rivers as they enter the sea.

During spring and autumn thousands of migatory shorebirds rest and feed in the area, which is protected under the 1971 Ramsar Convention on wetlands.

The area known as Fujimae Higata is a vast natural wetland situated within the larger urban area of Nagoya city and is now designated a Special Protection Area by the Japanese Ministry of Environment.

Among the thousands of birds that can be seen at some times throughout the year are plovers, osprey, harriers, gulls, sandpipers, herons, curlews, snipe, egrets, cormorants and many species of ducks.

Adjacent to the Nagoya City Wild Bird Observation Center is the Inae Visitor Center (also free), which has many exhibits to introduce visitors, especially children, to the wildlife inhabiting these amazing wetlands.

Nagoya City Wild Bird Observation Center
Noseki 4-11-12
Inae Park
Tel: 052 381 0160

10 minute walk from Noseki Station on the Aonami Line. There are buses from Nagoya (Kanmeiki #2) & Kanayama stations (Kanmeiki #25) via Tsukiji-guchi Station on the Meiko Line.


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