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Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami & Radiation Update


The ongoing crisis with the nuclear facilities at the stricken Fukushima Daiichi (No. 1) plant on the coast of north eastern Japan south of the city of Sendai has overshadowed the relief operation and the suffering of the survivors of the mega quake and tsunami in the surrounding Tohoku area.

Bitter cold and snow allied to lack of transport and power supplies are making conditions increasing grim for the thousands and thousands of people stranded in makeshift shelters.

As fears of radiation increase in Tokyo more and more people, especially foreign residents, but also increasing numbers of local Japanese, appear to be leaving the Japanese capital, where travel chaos, frequent, strong aftershocks and growing shortages of some basics appear more of an immediate discomfort than the threat of radiation.

The UK government's travel advice taken in consultation with the UK's Chief Scientic Officer Sir John Beddington of Imperial College states that there is no immediate danger to those people outside the 20km exclusion zone set up by the government of PM Naoto Kan.

The scale of the human tragedy that Japan has suffered since March 11 remains truly saddening.


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