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Tohoku Japan Earthquake Radiation Levels by Prefecture


At roughly 5 pm local time, March 16, the radiation levels were (the figure in parenthesis is the average daily peak level):

Hokkaido: 0.029 (0.105)
Aomori: 0.029 (0.102)
Iwate: 0.042 (0.084)
Miyagi: 0.194 (0.051)
Akita: 0.039 (0.086)
Yamagata: 0.114 (0.082)
Fukushima: No data
Ibaragi: 1.035 (0.056)
Ibaraki: 0.337 (0.067)
Gunma: 0.501 (0.045)
Saitama: 0.208 (0.060)
Chiba: 0.141 (0.044)
Tokyo: 0.143 (0.079)
Kanagawa: 0.153 (0.069)
Aichi: 0.044 (0.074)
Kyoto: 0.041 (0.087)
Osaka: 0.051 (0.061)
Okinawa: 0.022 (0.058)

The levels are measured in microsieverts.

Note: The US government apparently believes the Japanese government is underestimating and or understating these figures. The chairman of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission is advising all people to stay 50 miles away from the Fukushima reactors, which is considerably greater than the Japanese recommendation of 12 miles.

Source: Asahi Newspaper


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